Monday, March 22, 2010

one half down

Now that I think about it, I have had so much going on lately!

I guess I'll start with my family. My brother is still gone, and will be for a while, but I hear from him every week. Even if it is just a simple hello it is nice. I actually should get an email from him tonight at some point, let's hope so at least.
My mom is slowly gaining weight which rocks! She used to be about 85 pounds, and now she is up to 110 or so. We are so proud of her. She drinks more milk than anyone I know.
My dad is doing alright, his band "broke-up" so he is kind of upset about it. I dont know if he still wants to play or not. I hear him in his office sometimes just messing around, but not like before. It's kind of sad. That was my dads thing. He loved playing on weekends.
My sister is still the same, just a busy body. Always working. I got to spend some time with her over spring break, she actually went out on Monday, and I had to pick her up from the restaurant/bar... she had two navy guys with her! HA. it was quite entertaining.

Spring break was nice, but now that I am back in school, it does not feel like I was ever gone.

During spring break I got to see my "other family" - the Robinsons. We went to Quiggly's Clayhouse which is a pottery place for kids, and we all made something. I also got offered a summer job working there. I think I might do it, but I would need to work out a few kinks, such as a car... :/. Then the next day, we all got dressed up for a Mad Hatter Tea Party. I was the white witch, and then (dressed up) we went to the movies to see the new Alice in Wonderland. I felt silly, but with a group of 10 others who were dressed up, it was fun. I would put pictures up, I just haven't uploaded them yet.

Thursday night I went to a bar in Deep Ellum. There was a huge group of people all with acoustic guitars. They would sit in a circle and share songs, and just play along. I LOVED it! Seriously. There were some moments where everyone was playing and singing along that it gave me chills. It felt like such a home-y place, with a huge family.

During the week I also got a chance to go to Denton to see some good old friends. We just spent some time catching up, and just enjoying each others company. These friends are a group of people I met at a starbucks either 3 or 4 years ago. They were singing in the parking lot, when they stopped Joanna and I clapped. And they introduced themselves. About 2 months later I ran into Kory (with a K) at dennys, and it only went up from there. Great guys. They sure do mean alot.

I can not believe the semester is halfway over. I have soooo much to do. Lots of observation hours, deaf culture events, projects, papers, books, the list just goes on. But I feel pretty good as of now. Like I can do it. I think it is because I just got my midterm back, and I got an 83 on it. :] hehe. I am so proud of that! I just have to keep reminding myself of that and I think i can get through it. :]

this is a song that was played at that bar in Deep Ellum. Everyone there knew it, so just think of this song played and sung by at least 20 people. Harmonies and all. Very cool.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ah, school. It certainly is keeping me very busy.
I am taking 18 hours.
Young Adult Lit - will be the death of me
Survey of Exceptionalities
Intro to Pedagigy
Literacy for the Deaf
Audiology for the Deaf

busy busy busy
But in a good way

With my young adult lit class we have a huge reading list, and it hasn't even been a month, and we have already read: Catcher in the Rye, The Seventeenth Summer, Forever, and The Chocolate War. All of which have been great books but like I said it is seriously going to kill me. There is just not enough time for it all to be fit into my schedule.

Just for the record, I really have some of the best people as friends. With them I feel safe, loved, needed, but most of all, I feel like myself. Which is the greatest feeling.

Angela's wedding is coming up! YAY! I saw her today and we were able to discuss alot about EVERYTHING. It's nice to have that person to confide in, and to tell everything to. I can't tell you how happy I am for her! She really has found her perfect guy, and he treats her like a princess, and he is one lucky guy getting the most compassionate caring person I know.
I am honored to be apart of her wedding, and can not wait for the big day.

I would really appreciate to have spring break very soon. I don't know if i can wait 3.5 weeks. A nice break would be great. It would be just what I need. A little something to keep me going.

Oh spring break please come soon.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, New Plans?

I have a feeling this year will be very different. I'm not sure why, I just feel it.
I guess the biggest news lately is that my brother left for his mission. Which in our church is for two years. He has to first prepare himself for the unknown. He had absolutely no idea as to where he was going, and it could be anywhere! I have two really good friends where one is in Brazil, and the other Guatemala. I have a another friend who, about 3 months ago, went to California. Anyway, Rob had no idea where they were going to send them. After he sent in his papers, it took a few weeks, and he got the package that told him he is going to a spanish speaking mission in San Jose California. He had a little over three months to get everything together to leave. On December 30th he flew out to Provo Utah and he will be living there about 12 weeks learning Spanish, then he will be in the field. It will be about 719 more days till I see him again. :] I get an email from him every Saturday which is great, and we get to actually speak with him on Mother's Day and Christmas. Can't wait for that.
We were really close as kids, then in high school not so much. But we left on a good note, and I can honestly say I miss him.

Like I said before it is a new year, and I am not one for new years resolutions, mainly because I never do them. But this year I think I am more just going to do a wish list. Not really something I am going to force myself to do. If you know me, I do not work well when I am told to do something. I like to do things on my own time. But I think my wish list will include:
Keep my 3.5 GPA
Read more, Benjamin gave me a few names of books that I want to read
Somehow get a car that I can take to school
Have a regular work-out with miss Angela
And just stay positive about everything. This would have to be my biggest goal. I kinda already try to do this, but no doubting this year. I am trusting my instinct.

The end of 2009 was a rough year. My mom was in the hospital for over a month with different complications. It started out that she just had food poisoning, or so she thought. After a few days of her just being very dehydrated, my dad took her to the emergency room. Turns out that when she was born her insides were all sorts of messed up. And when she got her appendix out there was scar tissue that made a block and so she wasnt getting enough nutrients. They had surgery, and she went home a few days later. She was very weak, and could not do anything by herself. So I would help out. She got the staples out of her belly, and they stitched her up. but not completely. When she was sitting up, they busted. So she went back to he hospital, had another surgery, and in the process got an infection. She seriously looked like a stick. All the muscle in her arms and legs were gone, but just after a month she has gained a good amount of weight, and is back at work. Oh happy days.

This past semester I got lucky. I seriously thought I was going to end up with 1 A, 2 B's and a C. But instead I have teachers with magic fingers, and I got 3 A's and a C. very exciting! :D
And with a little over a week before I go back, I think I am ready. I better be. Not much time left.

I did a little shopping this weekend, Old Navy had a sale, and I got 4 shirts for about 15 dollars. I was proud of myself.
One thing that I would love to get is a watch. Don't know what one. I just know I feel a bit more responsible with one. Haha.
I also got my maid of honor dress for Angela's wedding that is in March. I will need a date for that, I just don't know who to take. I have time though.
I have never been a MOH before, and so I have no idea what I am doing. I know I have to plan a Bridal shower, which I have help for. Then I also have to plan a bacholorette party. No clue what I am doing there. Haha. I'll figure it out. I have some help with that too. :]

BIG NEWS! I got contacts! Yay! Finally! It is so nice to be able to see all the time, and I dont even have to push my glasses up my nose. >.< It is sooo exciting. I have to order a box or two before I leave. Im just not sure if I am going to get the colored ones. My eyes have green in them, so I may try getting the green/hazel ones just for fun.

My life is stable, and I like it. I was trying to think of something that I could write that has some imbalance, or something that I am unsure about, but nothing comes to mind. Which is great. Very rarely does this happen, and it is extremely satisfying. Yup. Life. Is. Good.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Love is all, Love is you

School. has. started. and it is kicking my butt. All last year I was breezing through the days, classes kept me busy, but I never felt as though I was struggling. But now... I am getting stressed out.
I am taking a total of five classes: Mythology -it has tons of reading... and I'm not a fan of reading. Intro to Deaf Ed - almost everyone in my class is a level above me, and have had MUCH more experience signing. Plus the teacher is deaf, so I am way lost most of the time. In order to keep up, I have to read alot... which again, I am not a fan of. Math 129 - its online... it seems pretty easy so far. I hope it stays that way. Educational Psychology - this class is alllll lecture. So most of the time I dont pay attention... it is WAY to boring... so again, to keep up I have to read... which i am not a fan of. American Sign Language 3 - this class actually is kind of fun. Shelia Dyer is really funny, and makes class go by pretty quickly. But we still have to read For Hearing People Only. Like today, I had to read chapters 49-66. That is quite alot. I hate reading. :[
I guess I should start getting used to it.

My roommate is alright. She is a talker, which last year Kendal and I talked on occasion, but if i saw her studying, or she saw me studying, we would keep things quiet. I really miss my old roomie. She was way cool. :[ Her baby is due sometime this week if I am not mistaken. I hope and pray things go well for her.

My room is all decked out... much more than last year... I love to just chill in my bed, or on the computer. It is more like home.
Speaking of home... I plan to move off campus next semester... I need money, real bad, but hopefully I can get it all taken care of. I would save more money which is always a good thing. I am hoping to move in with tony, and daniel. We have only talked about it, so nothing is final, but one can dream right?

I decorated my wall with tape. Everyone thinks that I have some type of talent.. but I dont know, I personally still think they look pretty lame... :/ Maybe I'll get better at it, and it wont look all gay.

Into the Wild never fails to amaze me. I have watched that movie countless times, and I still just sit, and think about it... alot. It is really good. I always compare myself to it, and think what I could be doing with my life. It would be alot more fun, and exciting than sitting in class learning crap that wont help me.

I want to be an adventurer.

I also want Beatles Rock Band. My birthday is coming up.... *hint hint*

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

hey! whatcha wanna do about this thing?

well, it has been quite awhile, as always... mainly due to my brother who says my blog is not worth reading. but i figured i would at least try again in hopes to please him.
Summer school is half way over, my grades are doing pretty well. In history our teacher just has busy work and it is extremely annoying. I am taking an online class for a reason, it is because i dont have the time to do work, ill just take the test and move on thanks... but no, she has to have not only an assignment for each chapter we cover, but discussion, and we then have to respond to other peoples discussions. I am getting pretty tired of it... only two more weeks... two more! Plus even though i barely pass the tests i still have an 80. I like my government class, we just have a discussion, usually bashing Obama then we take a test... he does an online class right.
Ive been working alot too, and we got a new assistant... she worked with madam x (maxine) and x decided to tell the new assistant that i am a bad worker, who does everything wrong... this obviously caused problems.. and i put my two weeks notice in. After actually working with the assistant she sees that madam x was lying and so it made her look bad. sucks to be her. Either way the assistant and i are friends, and we work really well together. My last day is on thursday, and i get paid on friday... then ill get my last paycheck just before i leave for Utah.
Im pretty stoked that Angela and i are still going. We havent talked about it at all yet, but we will. I will have to think of things to do for the 24 hour drive.. but i have my AC adapter, and movies, and my ipod.. so i think we will be okay. Ive got about 400 saved up.. and that is without these next two paychecks.. it would be more... but i am a compulsive shopper, and once i start i cant stop. it started with these shoes... they are freaking adorable and i will force myself to wear them as much as possible. then i got jeans... a scarf... a dress... more shoes... shorts... a skirt... and an outfit for my mother which just hangs off of her... that witch... but in all seriousness i am gettting worried about her health. she is like 80 pounds, she rarely eats, she doesnt sleep much at night... it just isnt looking good.
My sister is going to visit my grandma this saturday... she is flying... which means i get a mini cooper for a week. I am super excited for that. I have driven stick shift before, but it has been a while.. just hope that i dont encounter a hill, because i will FREAK! I also get her apartment, i already have plans to have some friends over for a little fun night. who knows we might play games.... like harry potter clue!!! :D which we do own.
I have been practicing my piano lately. i have been working on the river flows in you mostley trying to get the speed up, but nonetheless i am practicing, something my grandpa would be proud of. he always wanted me playing, and i just never really got into it. and now that he is gone, i play almost every day.
I am so ready to get back to school. I have pretty much everything bought for classes... except books... but im making this wall art thing, and i hope it turns out good. If it doesnt who cares.. i made it with my bare hands. i am proud!!
I talked to my future roommate on facebook, she seems cool. She is a freshmen, so i get to show her the ropes... or at least try. oh and tony is coming to SFA in the fall which should be fun too him and i havent really talked for about 2-3 years... we sometimes are at the same place at the same time... but it will be nice to be actual friends again.
This saturday Kamika and i are going to sixflags, i hope i dont die. it will be soooooo hot. :/ but still fun. we are going mainly to see jesse mccartney!! holla! BAHAHA!
speaking of concerts... this past friday, mike and i went to see this beatles tribute band... gotta say, they were pretty good. i was extremely impressed. Their sound was pretty dead on, they even bobbled their head. hehehe. I want to go see them again and take joanna. They play thursday, but it is 21 and over... lame... ill still try though.
well, 21 jumpstreet is calling my name... and i only have one more disc to finish... i am seriously obsessed... i need to get all the other seasons... i just have to locate them.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


It's that time again. When I feel bad that I havent updated my blog.

I've been pretty busy with summer school... My history class is kicking my butt! Like no joke... I have a 59 in the class.... luckily the credit transfers, not the grade. I finished my political science class. It was alot easier than I thought it would be. I got it all done 2 weeks early, and so now I can just focus on my history homework. boo.

I have been working a ton! It is insane! Because our assistant manager left, I have to basically cover her... and still get paid for the 'key holder' which I think is wrong. But oh well.

I have spent every pay check on various things. First paycheck was used to payback family for money they gave me, and some shoes. :/

The second paycheck was used to get new glasses, and some clothes... :/
Ugh, I'm so bad with my money. But next my paycheck will be used to pay for my summer school. Great...

I've been practicing piano alot more often, and I'm getting my chops back... well the little chops I had. hahaha. I catch myself randomly sitting down and playing a tune.... especially if I am cooking, :/ Ive actually burnned some noodles doing that.

I spend alot of my time at my friends place... She is taking an english course, and she asks for my help all the time. It feels good to be able to use what I learned to help her. :] I like helping.

So today for church, I wore my new dress which is kind of vintage... I guess. I really dont know... all I know is I spent 13 dollars on it, and I like it. Well it looks like something my mom would have worn when she was my age.. so I kinda 'waved' my hair... with the 70's feathering on the sides... hahaha, I looked like my mom. :] cute right?

The relationship status is still the same as before. But whateverI take things a day at a time.

Here are some more recent pictures. :]

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Boo to reality

Man, it has been quite a while (sorry ben). I might want to get all caught up.
Well, I am home, and the first thing I did was clean the house. And like good clean. It really needed it. Our house was in bad shape. After cleaning, I had to go to work.... now... I dont have a car, so I have to ride a mile to work on my bike. Not my cruiser, but the trek aluminum bike. It really isnt too bad at all. It is super nice because the weather is so nice... but once it gets hotter, I dont know if I will be able to stand it.
I worked alot just the first week... and got a nice little paycheck that is gone now thanks to school. But I feel good knowing that I paid for it. I also bought myself some shorts, shirts, and shoes. :D im very happy with those. I get paid again on the 12th so I can't wait. It will be an even nicer paycheck.

Last weekend, while babysitting, I got a call from my friend Ben. He asked me if I planned to go to Arkansas for the YSA conference. I told him that I didnt plan on it because I didnt have a ride... well, 3 hours later he was at my house to pick me up. And at 11:30 at night, we started our 6 hour drive to the University of Arkansas. It was quite a drive... we got in at about 6 and went to sleep in his car. Two hours later we were up and ready for the long long loooonnggg day.
We sat in a gym listening to Sherry Dew speak. We snuck in a few pictures of her. haha. and then we went to a workshop. First was "the wows and woes of dating" it wasnt too bad. I was just super tired. We then got lunch, and then went to our other workshop... all I really remember was the chick was from Branson, and she had something with a chocolate/caramel covered apple, and a chocolate/caramel covered onion. After that, we got free time... Ben and I planned to sleep since we were leaving that night to go home. Instead we went swimming, and then sun bathed a little before we took showers and got ready for dinner and the dance.
The dinner wasnt too bad. When we were in line for our meals, there was a guy in front of us, and his friends up and left. So I invited him to eat with us. Turns out he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met. He was drum major at Tulsa University and is 6' 5"!!
Then we had a fireside... and Orien sat with us... mainly because I had candy. Then after some chick-fil-a we went to the dance. Not too bad. I actually enjoyed it. Then it was a 6 hour car ride back... not much happened since we were so exausted... except that Ben got pulled over for going 53 in a 35 construction zone!!! and got away with a warning. The officer thought I was his wife!! BAHAHAHAHA.

The following Sunday was my bestfriends graduation day! Congrats to her!! I spent the next few days with her family, and worked some.

Yesterday I came home from work, and surprise we got a cat! She is named Janis Joplin, or JJ for short. Her real name was Cowpatty but my mom didnt like it. She now is in my room, and loves it much better than my moms. :] I want to keep her.

Now that I am all caught up... I need to think of a good song.
I changed my mind.. Ive been listening to them alot lately.
Good stuff. :]
-Benjamin, I can not believe you might tour with Eisley-